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Университетска книжарница 1
Ректорат на Софийския университет, бул. „Цар Освободител“ 15
Южно крило
тел. 02 9308 453
Работно време: 09:00ч. - 17:30ч.
Университетска книжарница 2
Ректорат на Софийския университет, бул. „Цар Освободител“ 15
Северно крило
тел. 02 9308 505, 0889 680 580
Работно време: 08:30ч. - 17:00ч.

Копирен център – Ректорат
Ректорат на Софийския университет, бул. „Цар Освободител“ 15
Северно крило
тел. 02 9308 509
Работно време: 08:30ч. - 17:00ч.
Университетска книжарница – Бургас
Бургас, ул. „Оборище“ 49–51
(сградата на „Културнообразователен център за съвременно изкуство и библиотека)
тел: 0879 805 181

ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI UNIVERSITY PRESS is the largest academic publishing house in Bulgaria. It was established in 1986 as part of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" with the mission of supporting scientific research and the educational process at the University with the publication of scientific, popular science and educational literature in Bulgarian and in foreign languages.
Annually, its publishing activity includes more than 300 university textbooks, monographs, periodicals, reference books and publications in the entire spectrum of knowledge - literature, linguistics, philosophy, history, sociology, psychology, medicine, law, economics, journalism, mathematics and informatics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology and geography, etc.
The publishing house offers high-quality editorial work and pre-press preparation; has its own printing house, which provides a wide range of offset and digital printing services with excellent polygraphic performance.
The books of St. Kliment Ohridski University Press can be found in the two bookstores and the Copy Center in the Rectorate of the Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", in our bookstore in Burgas library, online at, as well as in all major bookstores and book exchanges in the country.
St. Kliment Ohridski University Press is the winner of the national award "Christo G. Danov" in the category "Bulgarian publishing house" for 2024.

St. Kliment Ohridski University Press is the winner of the national award "Christo G. Danov" in the category "Bulgarian publishing house" for 2024.