A la hora de hablar, uno quisiera decir muchas cosas y quedar siempre bien, ser ocurrente y divertido y deslumbrar a sus interlocutores, y decir la palabra justa en el momento oportuno. Y lo más importante, uno aspira a que le entiendan.Pero a la hora de la verdad, uno se queda cortado y con la ment..
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology is meant for
second-year students of the masters’ program in Medicine. It includes subjects
on the approved education program and a wide variety of exercises that support
most areas covered in a human physiology course. In these manuals, an attempt
has been..
A Laboratory Guide to Human Physiology is meant for second-year students of the masters’ program in Medicine. It includes subjects on the approved education program and a wide variety of exercises that support most areas covered in a human physiology course. In these manuals, an attempt has been mad..
Prof. Cyril Pavlikianov (born 1965) is Ph.D. in Byzantine History (National and Capodistrian University of Athens 1998), Dr. Habilitatus (Dr. Scientiarum) in Mediaeval History (University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” 2004), and Professor of Byzantine Philology and Palaeography at the University o..
Prof. Dr. Cyril P. Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. is born in Sofi a in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He has been Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology (1998–2001) and Associate Profess..
Vorliegende Untersuchung stellt eine historisch-deskriptive Untersuchung dar, die Aspekten von Alterität am Beispiel gemeinschaftlicher Elemente der Korpus-Texte mit vergleichbarer Frequenz auf der Ebene des übersetzerischen Transfers (Realien, Vergleiche, Zeitwechsel) gilt. Hinsichtlich der histori..
Помагалото по лексикален анализ на испански е предназначено за часовете по Лексикален анализ на текст в специалност "Испанска филология" на Софийския университет, но може да бъде полезен инструмент за усъвършенстване на знанаията по испански език и за развиване на умението да се разбират и анализира..
This book examines the role that technology has played in enabling the production methods, which is well recognized. Starting from the 1st Industrial Revolution of mechanical production powered by water and steam of the 18-th Century, moved into the 2nd Industrial Revolution of mass production power..
Theory and Practice in Bulgaria (Sofi a, 2019) is the second volume of the collective monography of the Department of Business Administration. The authors are colleagues with rich and diverse experience – research, teaching, professional. It brings us together the scientific curiosity, sharing, know..
Clinical pharmacology is a textbook addressed to medical students whose daily medical practice would involve the safe prescription of medicines to patients and the monitoring of their beneficial and adverse drug effects. The great challenge for university teaching and training in clinical pharmacolo..
The current volume “Communication Management: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century” consists of the articles presented at the international scientific conference of the same name, which was held in Sofia in June 2019. The event was organized by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at ..
Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova, PhD is an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She teaches basic and advanced courses in financial accounting and reporting for specialist and non..
Eleonora Stancheva-Todorova, PhD is an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She teaches basic and advanced courses in financial accounting and reporting for specialist and non..
Le présent manuel est une troisième édition revue et remaniée du “Cours systématique de langue française, partie constructive”. Fondé sur la théorie idéogénétique de Krassimir Mantchev et élaboré dans une large mesure sous sa direction, il paraît en deux parties, la première ayant pour objet les moy..
L’idée de possession se rattache à la zone du verbe avoir et s’apparente par là à l’idée de quantité qui appartient à la même sphère verbale. Les verbes de possession sont des verbes transitifs, souvent irréversibles au passif, à la différence des verbes d’action reliés à la zone du verbe faire qui ..
Dida Kazakova graduated from the Medical Academy, Sofia, in 1979. She carried out her residency in the Helmholz Institute of Ophthalmology in Moscow. She was a Fellow of the European Glaucoma Society in Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, and in the University of Cologne, Germany. While a fellow in Col..
The present collection of scholarly research explores cross-disciplinarity and intercultural awareness and understanding across various disciplines, honoring Professor Madeleine Danova's academic legacy. It comprises diverse essays coming from fields such as American, Canadian, African, an..
Ford Madox Ford felt especially drawn to the novelistic series. This book sets out to introduce him and some of his most prominent works - his trilogy, tetralogy and set of two novels to the reader...
Atas das Segundas Jornadas de Língua Portuguesa e Culturas Lusófonas da Europa Central e do Leste Universidade de Sófia Sveti Kliment Ohridski 26–28 de março de 2010..
Dr. RENETA KILEVA-STAMENOVA studierte Germanistik und Anglistik an der St.-Kliment-Ochridski-Universität Sofia, wo sie auch promovierte. Seit 1985 ist sie Dozentin für Übersetzungstheorie und -praxis am Institut für Germanistik und Skandinavistik an der St.-Kliment-Ochridski-Universität Sofia. Ihre ..
Ivo Damyanov has a MSc in Mathematics (1995) and holds a PhD in Computer science (2012). He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics, at the South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. His professional and scientific research interests are in the fields of Discrete Functions, Tre..