Автор | Eli Popova |
- Наличност: ДА
- Корица: мека
- Тегло: 0.20кг
- Размери: 14.00см x 20.00см
- Страници: 106
- Година: 2021
- ISBN: 978-954-07-5119-1
This collection presents current themes in the field of modern libraries and their users, united under a common title: “Library and Society: Contemporary Challenges.” The texts have already been published in different Bulgarian sources. They are now published in English in this edition with minor changes. The included publications present the author’s interest in contemporary problems and challeng es facing the library community. The lecture format is intentional, as it gives the opportunity for the edition to be used for work with an audience of students. The lectures are accompanied by presentations in English that are not part of this collection. The topics of the lectures are as follows:
• Technology and the human factor in the formula for effectiveness of the modern library
•The Role of users in the preservation of cultural heritage
•The attitude of libraries towards users determines the present and the future of the institution
•The value of the library in the modern dimensions of the in stitution and its personnel
•The library – a space for communication between people and cultures