Semanticizing. Studies in Analytic Meta-Metaphysics

Semanticizing. Studies in Analytic Meta-Metaphysics - unipress.bg
Semanticizing. Studies in Analytic Meta-Metaphysics
АвторBlagovest S. Mollov
  • Наличност: ДА
  • Корица: мека
  • Тегло: 0.30кг
  • Размери: 16.00см x 23.00см
  • Страници: 256
  • Година: 2024
  • ISBN: 978-954-07-4319-6
14.00 лв.

The rehabilitation of metaphysics within analytic philosophy has elicited mixed reactions, often motivated by unexplicated and unexamined meta-philosophical and philosophical (primarily epistemological) pre-suppositions. Adopting a deliberately noncommittal approach, the author focuses on the arguments and argumentative criteria of the opposing positions and shows that, given their current state and the indeterminacy and diversity of the conceptions of "metaphysics" they rely on, this relatively recent analytic development, if assessable at all, can be viewed as a cause of neither concern nor celebration. The book starts with a historical contextualization of the "phenomenon" and proceeds with detailed discussions of its major aspects, aiming to foster a genuine appreciation of the issues that govern the field and need adequate addressing before any definite conclusions can be drawn.

Blagovest S. Mollov, Dr. Habil. is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University "St. Kliment of Ochrid". His previous books include "Continental" Philosophy: An (Insular-)Analytic Perspective (2007); Epistemology and Eristics: An Introduction to Contemporary British Historiography (2012); Formal Approaches to Alethic Modality (2013); Lectures on the Philosophy of Language (2015); and Possibilia (2017).