Medieval English Literature: A Reader
Автор | Evgenia Pancheva, Georgi Niagolov |
- Наличност: Изчерпан
- Корица: мека
- Тегло: 0.50кг
- Размери: 14.00см x 21.00см
- Страници: 380
- Година: 2021
- ISBN: 978-954-07-5336-2
Beowulf / 7
Th e Wanderer / 32
Th e Dream of the Rood / 42
Medieval Lyrics / 53
Cuckoo Song (“Sumer is Icumen in”) / 54
Alisoun / 56
I Sing of a Maiden / 59
Of a Rose Synge We / 61
Sir Orfeo / 64
Th e Th rush and the Nightingale / 97
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight / 110
William Langland, Piers Plowman / 142
Geoff rey Chaucer, Th e General Prologue to Th e Canterbury Tales / 172
Secunda Pastorum (Th e Second Shepherds’ Play) / 225
Everyman / 297
Th omas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book II / 350
Bibliography / 377