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Продукти отговарящи на търсенето

SUB SPECIE AETERNITATIS. Сборник в памет на Жана Николова-Гълъбова
-50 %
В сборника има статии на български и немски език в разделите: „Немска литература, литературознание и философия“, „Немски език и превод“ и „Българска литература“...
20.00 лв. 10.00 лв.
ВСЕКИДНЕВНАТА МАСКА НА НАУКАТАОригиналните научни идеи, интересните хрумвания, плодотворните асоциации се раждат при различни условия и в различни темпорално-топонимически координати - зад работното бюро, на стола в театралната зала, във ваната, под натежалата от плод ябълка, в леглото (по време на ..
6.00 лв.
Dr. Desislava I. Yordanova is a professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”. She defended her doctoral dissertation in Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2009. Her research interests include entrepreneurship, small business managemen..
16.00 лв.
Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is a textbook designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language.It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Education at “St...
16.00 лв.
Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests is the second book of a series of textbooks designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language.It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Sc..
16.00 лв.
Test to Learn and Learn to Take Tests 3 is the third book of a series of textbooks designed to facilitate successful second language learning for students of the English language.It is especially aimed at students who are studying to become language teachers at the Faculty of Educational Studies and..
16.00 лв.
Textbook of nervous diseases. General neurology - Медицина..
60.00 лв.
The International symposium dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of Sofia University and the 50th Anniversary of the Commencement of the European Economic Community was organized by the Department of Logic, Ethics, and Aesthetics at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, the Italian Institute of Cultu..
20.00 лв.
Based on several field trips to mount Athos, the present monograph examines and publushes the texts of seventy post-Byzantine Greek and Slavic documents kept in the monastery of Vatopedi. The author makes an attempt at restoring the monastery's history from the fall of Byzantium up to the year 1707 ..
25.00 лв.
Настоящото изследване представя обширен коментар на историческия, филологическия и топографския контекст на всички византийски документи и избрани укази и декрети от османския период, съхранявани в архива на манастира Каракал в Атон. Общият брой на представените документи, съставени в периода 1294-1..
18.00 лв.
The book is a practical introduction to the concept of empathy, its measures and application in education. It is designed as a coursebook for students who are taking the course in “Empathy and Communication in Language Education” offered on the degree programmes for language teachers at the Facutly ..
10.00 лв.
Has the proverbially “a(nti)-historical” analytic philosophy taken a “historical turn” as some analytic “insiders” have heralded recently? In this densely argued and extensively referenced book, Blagovest Mollov argues that it has not, mainly because the only relatively determinate meaning the term ..
14.00 лв.
This book is based on my phd thesis which I wrote as a researcher on the academic doctoral degree programme “Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Psicologia dell’Orientamento e dei Processi di Apprendimento, Università la Sapienza, Medicina e Psicologia, XXIV Ciclo”, under the supervision of my tutor Pr..
15.00 лв.
Средновековните гръцки и български документи на светогорския манастир „Зограф“ (980—1600): критическо издание и коментар на текстовете (Университетска библиотека № 512)Настоящият труд представя текстовете на средновековните гръцки и български документи, съхранявани в Зографския м..
30.00 лв.
A Contrastive Corpus-Based Study of Link Words in The Academic Writing of Advanced Bulgarian Learners of English...
14.00 лв.
Prof. Dr. Cyril P. Pavlikianov, Dr. Habilitatus (D.Sc.), Ph.D., M.A. is born in Sofia in 1965. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Byzantine History at the National and Capodistrian University of Athens in 1998. He has been Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Philology (1998–2001) and Associate Professo..
35.00 лв.
Theatre and humanism in a world of violence
-50 %
What makes violence on stage today so sexy? Until quite recently, violence for its own sake was the prerogative of B-feature films and junk mystery novels. What made theatre follow suit? What is the impact of the theatre of violence on the audience? Doesn't it actually make us conformists? Is there ..
100.00 лв. 50.00 лв.
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This collection incorporates selected texts of various types, including: conference reports; materials intended for national projects or programs; scientific articles; international projects; theoretical works; communications. The compiler’s idea is to provide a mirror-like picture of the developmen..
14.00 лв.
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Traditions and Transitions: this double volume features selected papers presented at a conference of the same name, organized by the Department of English and American Studies at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia in September 2018. The conference aimed to celebrate a double anniversary: 90 ye..
Traditions and Transitions: this double volume features selected papers presented at a conference of the same name, organized by the Department of English and American Studies at St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia in September 2018. The conference aimed to celebrate a double anniversary: 90 ye..
This book is based on a PhD thesis entitled “Philosophy of Translation: Between the Literal and the Interpretation”. The present text differs from the latter not merely in form – both due to the year-long maturation of the initial ideas, as well as to the different target audience. The research aims..
12.00 лв.
This textbook of Urology is intended for students of medicine. It complies with the academic Urology curriculum at the Faculty of Medicine, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.In the presentation of the teaching material, using clear and comprehensible language in accordance with the level achieve..
18.00 лв.
Книгата представя съпоставително лексикално изследване на групата на глаголите за възприятия в двата родствени езика. Анализираният материал е от съвременната българска и полска преса. Изданието представлява интерес не само за лингвисти, а и за преводачи, журналисти, преподаватели по български език ..
10.00 лв.
Юбилеен сборник в чест на проф. Веселин ДимитровВеселин Димитров започва да сътрудничи на Българското национално радио (тогава с името Радио София) през 1958 г., още като студент. През 60-те години е първият журналист – радиоводещ на информационно-музикална програма у нас – сутрешната "От 6 до 8". З..
15.00 лв.
Die vorliegende Untersuchung analysiert die zahlreichen intertextuellen Verweise im Werk von Arno Schmidt, die Teil einer präzise durchdachten Textgestaltungsstrategie sind. Ausgehend von einem strukturalistisch orientierten Intertextualitätskonzept, geht Svetlana Arnaudova der Frage nach, wie in Sc..
18.00 лв.
Книгата запознава читателя с проблемите на конструирането, обработката и обмена на XML документи. Тя разглежда актуални и широко използвани софтуерни технологии, свързани със създаване, валидиране, свързване и представяне на XML съдържание, както и с декларативната обработка на XML. Книгата е предна..
12.00 лв.
Показва 197 до 224 от 2252 (81 страници)