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Developments in Health Sciences - Издания на чужди езици..
Developments in Social Sciences - Издания на чужди езици..
Ford Madox Ford felt especially drawn to the novelistic series. This book sets out to introduce him and some of his most prominent works - his trilogy, tetralogy and set of two novels to the reader...
12.00 лв.
Atas das Segundas Jornadas de Língua Portuguesa e Culturas Lusófonas da Europa Central e do Leste Universidade de Sófia Sveti Kliment Ohridski 26–28 de março de 2010..
Dr. RENETA KILEVA-STAMENOVA studierte Germanistik und Anglistik an der St.-Kliment-Ochridski-Universität Sofia, wo sie auch promovierte. Seit 1985 ist sie Dozentin für Übersetzungstheorie und -praxis am Institut für Germanistik und Skandinavistik an der St.-Kliment-Ochridski-Universität Sofia. Ihre ..
15.00 лв.
INHALTSVERZEICHNIS0. Vorwort .................................................................................................. 91. Einleitung ............................................................................................ 101.1. Gegenstand und Ziel der Untersuchung ......................
28.00 лв.
Към блогови практики на италиански емигранти в Съединените щати са приложени методите на антропологията и лингвистиката и през тяхната призма са изследвани проблеми, свързани с превключването на кода, мултимодалността, функциите на личното писане, егодокументите и репрезентацията, динамиките на иден..
10.00 лв.
Ivo Damyanov has a MSc in Mathematics (1995) and holds a PhD in Computer science (2012). He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics, at the South-West University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. His professional and scientific research interests are in the fields of Discrete Functions, Tre..
12.00 лв.
The development  of Joyce's Narrative Technique from Stephen Hero to Ulysses..
10.00 лв.
E.M.Forster's Novels: From the Monologic to the Dialogic..
10.00 лв.
Ecology, Planning and Design - Издания на чужди езици..
Deyan Radev, PhD gained his Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University in 2006 and his Master’s degree in International Business Economic Relations from the University of Konstanz, Germany in 2008. In 2013, Dr. Radev defended his diss..
12.00 лв.
Assoc. Prof. Nadya Velinova-Sokolova, PhD, is a lecturer in the Department of Finance and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business Adminisration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. She received her education at the University of National and World Economy - bachelor’s and maste..
22.00 лв.
Educational Research and Practice - Издания на чужди езици..
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El viaje fue un ingrediente fundamental en la vida y en la obra de Julio Cortazar (1914-1984), rivalizando con su interes por la literatura y el arte. La importancia de la actividad viajera se trasluce en toda su obra de ficcion, pero es en los textos de caracter autobiografico donde se puede..
15.00 лв.
Autonomous and embedded systems are the infrastructural fabric of modern technological society and are present as an almost imperceptible environment to each of us. Very soon after the advent of the electronic computer in the middle of the last century, the possibilities of digital control were real..
20.00 лв.
Español actual: clases de palabras y categorías (Съвременен испански език: думи и категории) представлява описателна и функционална граматика на съвременния испански език, допълнена с контрастивни бележки за сходствата и разликите с частите на речта и техните морфологични категории в българския език..
13.00 лв.
Evgenia Vucheva es Doctors en Filologia Hispanica (1992), Doctora en Ciencias del Lenguaje (2006) y Catedratica de Morfologia y Estilistica del espanol actual de la Universidad de Sofia \"San Clemente de Ojrid\" (2007). Dirige el programa de master en Linguistica aplicada del Departamento de Estudio..
16.00 лв.
Dieser vierte Band der Reihe „Glagolitica Sinaitica“ enthalt die Druckversion der 1975 entdeckten 28 Blatter des sinaitischen Euchologiums (Sin. slav. 37 & RNB, Glag. 3) mit einem ausfiihrlichen Einleitungs- und Untersuchungsteil, Multi- spektralbildern aller schlecht erhaltenen Folia, Farbbilde..
40.00 лв.
Chief assistant Stella Zhivkova (PhD) graduated from the Master‘s Degree Program in Philosophy at Sofia University (1997) and from the PhD program at Osaka University, Japan (2006). Senior Assistant Professor (=chief assistant) of Modern Japanese Language and Culture at the Department of Japanese St..
18.00 лв.
Дokyмeнти и мaтepиaли зa иcлямизaция и acимилaция нa бългapи (kpaя нa ХIV вek - 1912 г.)Toм 2 oт пopeдицaтa "Пeт вeka пoд ятaгaнa и Kopaнa" пpeдcтaвя бoгaт нaбop oт иcтopичeckи cвeдeния зa иcлямизaциятa нa бългapckитe зeми дo cpeдaтa нa ХIХ в...
20.00 лв.
From Act to Acting. Насоките на Ян Фабър за изпълнителя на XXI век представлява наръчник за изпълнители, базиран на широкия опит на известния театрален творец и хореограф. Насоките хвърлят нова светлина върху физическата, менталната и вокалната подготовка на изпълнителя и в същото време дават поглед..
30.00 лв.
The book "Functional Semiconductor Structures with Heterostructural Transition Regions" of academician Angel Popov discusses obtaining, testing and applications of  A3B5 solid solutions with heterostructures of possible combinations with other semiconductor materials...
15.00 лв.
CONTENTSGalabovo: Ordinary Things — Odd Things - Krassimir LeshtakovPottery Ornamentation during the Bronze Age at tell Galabovo - Denitsa IlievaBronze Age Site near Ovchartsi, Municipality Radnevo: Features and Pottery - Hristina VasilevaEarly Bronze Age Chronology and Settlement at Dyadovo in the ..
80.00 лв.
The present volume documents the European summer university, held at Charles de Gaulle University, Lille-3, France in June 2009.* Gender/Genre in Literature* Gendering Detective Fiction* Gender/Genre in Film* Gender/Genre in Performance and Visual Arts* Gender/Genre in Culture* Gender, Genre and Lan..
25.00 лв.
-50 %
"Nella storia mondiale dell`arte il nome di Ghena Dimitrova puo essere posto solo accanto ai nomi di Maria Callas e Renata Tebaldi" New York Times Magazine "La voce di Ghena Dimitrova e eccezionalmente espressiva, immensa e squillante. Possiede la forza di un uragano!" Franco Zeffirelli..
20.00 лв. 10.00 лв.
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